Jeffrey Grigg













Peer-reviewed Publications

Dissertation: “Student Mobility, Identity, and Attitudes: The Social and Academic Consequences of Changing Schools ”

Manuscripts Under Review

Manuscripts in Progress

Reports and Other Publications


Peer-reviewed Publications


Hanselman, Paul, Christopher S. Rozek, Jeffrey Grigg, and Geoffrey D. Borman. 2017. “New Evidence on Self-affirmation Effects and Theorized Sources of Heterogeneity from Two Cohorts in a Large-scale Replication.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(3), 415-424. doi: 10.1037/edu0000141


Hanselman, Paul, Jeffrey Grigg, Sarah K. Bruch, and Adam Gamoran. 2016. “The Consequences of Principal and Teacher Turnover for School Social Resources.” Research in the Sociology of Education, 19, 49-89. doi: 10.1108/S1479-353920150000019004


Borman, Geoffrey D., Jeffrey Grigg, and Paul Hanselman. 2016. “An Effort to Close Achievement Gaps at Scale through Self-Affirmation.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 38(1), 21-42. doi: 10.3102/0162373715581709


Grigg, Jeffrey, and Geoffrey D. Borman. 2014. “Impacts and Alternatives: Evidence from an Elementary Charter School Evaluation.” Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reform, 8(1), 69-93, doi: 10.1080/15582159.2014.875413


Liou, Yi-Hwa, Jeffrey Grigg, and Richard Halverson. 2014. “Leadership and the Design of Data-Driven Professional Networks in Schools.” International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 2(1), 29-73, doi: 10.4471/ijelm.2014.08


Grigg, Jeffrey, Kimberle A. Kelly, Adam Gamoran, and Geoffrey D. Borman. 2013.
“Effects of Two Scientific Inquiry Professional Development Interventions on Teaching Practice.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 38(1), 38-56.
doi: 10.3102/0162373712461851


Grigg, Jeffrey. 2012. “School Enrollment Changes and Student Achievement Growth: A Case Study in Educational Disruption and Continuity.” Sociology of Education 85(4), 388-404. doi:10.1177/0038040712441374 Podcast available


Borman, Geoffrey D., and Jeffrey A. Grigg. 2009. “The Visual and Narrative Interpretation of Research Syntheses.” In The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis [2nd ed.] (H. Cooper, L. Hedges, & J. Valentine, eds.), 497-519. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Halverson, Richard, Jeffrey Grigg, Reid Prichett, and Christopher Thomas. 2007. “The New Instructional Leadership: Creating Data-Driven Instructional Systems in Schools.” Journal of School Leadership 17(2), 159-194. WCER Working Paper available


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Dissertation: "Student Mobility, Identity, and Attitudes: The Social and Academic Consequences of Changing Schools”


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Manuscripts Under Review


Borman, Geoffrey D., Jeffrey Grigg, Christopher S. Rozek, Paul Hanselman, and Nathaniel Dewey. “Values Affirmation Effects Are Produced by School Context, Student Engagement with the Intervention, and Time: Lessons from a District-Wide Implementation.”

Parker, Carolyn, Jeffrey Grigg, Stephanie D’Souza, Charlie Mitchell, Erica Smith, and Yolanda Abel. “Enhanced Interest and Awareness in Science and Engineering with Students Placed at Risk After One Year of a STEM Intensive Partnership.”(Revise & Resubmit).


Smith, Erica, Carolyn Parker, David McKinney, and Jeffrey Grigg. “Conditions and Decisions of Urban Elementary Teachers Regarding Instruction of STEM Curriculum.”


Stein, Marc L., and Jeffrey Grigg. “‘Missing Bus, Missing school: Establishing the Relationship Between Public Transit Use and Student Absenteeism.” (Revise & Resubmit).


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Manuscripts in Progress


Burdick-Will, Julia, Jeffrey Grigg, Kiara Nerenberg, and Faith Connolly. “A Permeable Boundary: Networks of Student Mobility in Baltimore City and its Inner Suburbs.”

Grigg, Jeffrey, Faith Connolly, Stephanie D’Souza, and Charlie Mitchell. “How Early Childhood Programs Interact with Early Life Circumstances: Evidence from Baltimore.”

Grigg, Jeffrey, Faith Connolly, Stephanie D’Souza, and Charlie Mitchell. “Reading on Grade Level: Perspective and Context from Baltimore.”

Grigg, Jeffrey. “The People or the Place? The Structural and Social Dimensions of the Transition to Middle School.”

Grigg, Jeffrey. “Addressing Selection Bias Using Partial Longitudinal Data: A Demonstration Using Recent and Past School Movers.”


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Reports and Other Publications


Stein, Marc L., Jeffrey Grigg, Curt Cronister, Celeste Chavis, and Faith Connolly. 2017. “Getting to High School in Baltimore: Student Commuting and Public Transportation.” Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD.

Grigg, Jeffrey, Faith Connolly, Stephanie D’Souza, and Curt Cronister. 2016. “Early Education Data Collaborative: Kindergarten Readiness for Baltimore’s High School Class of 2027.” Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD.

Connolly, Faith, Jeffrey Grigg, Curt Cronister, and Stephanie D’Souza. 2015. “Born in Baltimore.” Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD.


Grigg, Eliot, Andrew Palmer, Jeffrey Grigg, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Wu, Axel Roesler, Bala G. Nair, and Brian K. Ross. 2013. “Randomised Trial Comparing the Recording Ability of a Novel, Electronic Emergency Documentation System with the AHA Paper Cardiac Arrest Record.” Emergency Medicine Journal. doi:10.1136/emermed-2013-202512

Grigg, Jeffrey. "Malcolm, Macbeth, Edward, and James I: Cultural Influence and Relativism in Macbeth" (Awarded the 1999 Lloyd Mifflin Prize for a Senior Essay in English or American Literature by the Yale University English Department).


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